
First of all, thank you for taking an interest in my blog.

My name is Lasse Damgaard Harreskov, a 35-year-old business development professional, but more importantly, an advocate for financial literacy.

I believe that investing has vast potential to improve people’s lives, and as such I want to help simplify it – I want to make investing in the stock market easy and accessible to anyone.



My story

In the not-too-distant past I found myself aware of an essential aspect of life that I hadn’t fully grasped – personal finances.

It all began when I acknowledged that I wasn’t in the driver’s seat of my own financial journey. I was earning and spending, but not harnessing the potential power of my income to create future wealth.

My pursuit of understanding money better led me to delve into numerous books and articles on personal finance and stock market investing. This journey was a turning point for me. Each piece of literature unveiled more about financial intricacies, strategic decisions, and the transformative potential of investing. As I dug deeper, I couldn’t help but realize the years I had missed and the opportunities I had overlooked. This was also when I truly grasped the concept of compounding interest – the process by which the money you invest generates more money over time – a principle I had previously not fully understood.

And so, my investing journey began. With every investment, I discovered more about the market trends, risk management, and strategic planning. There were trials and errors, gains and losses, but each step and each lesson learned was a stride towards financial growth and control.


This blog

As I reflected on my own journey, I couldn’t help but think that I couldn’t possibly be the only one out there who was looking to take control of their financial future. So, I started this blog to help anyone who is interested in exactly that. As I used the financial markets as my own catalyst, I want to enable anyone to learn all you need to know about investing in the stock market.

It also became clear to me that financial literacy isn’t a privilege; it’s a necessity, an essential life skill that is often overlooked in our education system. The realization dawned on me that if I had learned about investing earlier in life, I could have avoided many mistakes and harnessed the power of compounding interest sooner. However, it is never too late to pick yourself up, and so I did.

While it’s never too late to start investing, the earlier, the better. This blog is my attempt to fill the gap in financial knowledge, to be the mentor I wish I had, and to guide you towards a financially secure and independent life.

So, when the stock market runs amok you will know how to navigate it and ensure your financial future!